Martha (she/her)


My first discovery of the physical practice of yoga was in 1972 at the age of 13 when PBS broadcast the wonderful series, “Lilias, Yoga and You”.  I was mesmerized as I watched the kind and graceful Lilias Folan explain and move through Surya Namaskar and other poses.  That show piqued my curiosity about the human body’s potential for movement and planted a seed that would slowly blossom over the years.

Fast forward to midlife—marriage, 2 children, a masters in school counseling, and a full time job.  I rediscovered yoga and connected my past to the present.  I was so blessed to find East Meets West and practice there for 10 years, before earning my 200 hour teacher training certification.  

Yoga has been one of the catalysts that has positively changed my life through patience and practice.   It is a life-long journey of discovery.  In addition to the obvious physical benefits of strength, flexibility, balance and body awareness, I have observed through practice the real “hidden gems” of yoga:  deeper acceptance of myself and others, openness to life’s changes, and a heightened awareness of both the brevity, and beauty, of life.  

I am deeply grateful and honored to guide my students along their journey of discovery through breath, movement and inner stillness.  

Love and Light to all...Namaste!